Akashic Readings
by Betsey
Are you looking for Guidance? Or to Connect with a Departed Loved One? Or an Animal Companion?
Have you ever wondered if there are Psychics in the South?

Akashic Readings & Spiritual Guidance
"Truly one of the best experiences I have ever had. I had no idea what to expect, but Betsey blew me away with how accurate she was." - G. B., Foley, AL
Intuitive Readings
Animal Connections
Intuitive Body Scans
Akashic Records Consultations
Past Life Exploration
Departed Loved Ones Communication
Guided Meditations
Energy Connections
“The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it.”
― J.M. Barrie
A Metropolitan Reading​
without the Traffic & Skyscrapers.
Experience a connection that will leave you feeling refreshed and inspired. Whether you are seeking guidance in meditation, in a reading or through your own intuition- know with Betsey, all things are possible.
Betsey is an expert at Meditation and her years of meditating have allowed her to expand her ability to connect with the unseen and become quite clear. The unseen is energy and since everything is energy, it is unlimited as to what Betsey can connect with and see.
If you are looking for information with your house (Why won't it sell?; Where is the leak coming from?; What does it need?; Is it the right one for me?); your animals, past or present (What is going on with them?; What do they want to tell me?; How can I help them?); or even with a business (Is it the right direction for me?; How can I grow it?; What does it need?), Betsey can help.
If you are seeking a deeper understanding of your relationships, wanting more understanding around habits and patterns, clarity around health and career, seeking to connect with someone who has passed, or if you want to tap into your very own intuition and internal guidance, know with Betsey, all things are possible.
“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.”
― Marcel Proust

Featured Testimonial
How awesome was my reading with Betsey? I don't even know where to begin! I have had tarot readings in the past and have long been doing my own spiritual work, but an Akashic reading was new for me so I decided to treat myself to one for my birthday. My big question was whether or not to keep trying to find a significant other, or to just focus on being happy living the single life. Betsey quickly tuned in and was able to reflect some of my history right off the bat. She pointed out that I'd never officially put it out there (so to speak) that I wanted a relationship. Well, I did that during the session, and shortly thereafter Betsey says, laughing, "I keep getting stuff about comic books, does that mean anything to you?" It totally did! I love comic books!! (This was especially funny because I wasn't wearing anything that would have given that away.) Betsey mentions that she keeps picking up on comic books, she sees that there is someone here in the area who would be a match for me, and she then asks me what I think about men with beards. I laugh because (at the time) I was not a particular fan, but she says that there's a guy in the area who is involved in comic
books and has a beard, so I should go to cons or do some cosplay or something to find him. As an aside, she also mentions a new comic shop that she heard has opened up in town, and says she'll give me directions to find it after the session because the more shops I go to and the more I get involved in the scene the sooner I will meet him. After this, she connected with my late Father, which was very meaningful to me, and we discussed some issues in my family. We actually covered quite a bit during the course of the session, and the time seemed to fly by!
After the session she gave me directions to the comic shop, and I went there later that day. I had fun shopping, and ended up having a great time talking to the owner for 2 hours about all sorts of things that day! I left the shop thinking "That guy's awesome, I wonder if he's going to introduce me to my soulmate?" Of course, it didn't occur to me that he had a beard until I found myself going back to the shop just about every weekend, each visit having great conversations with the owner, and well, long story short: now we are married. And less than a year after my session with Betsey! ;-) So, yeah, I highly recommend getting a reading with Betsey - if you're doing your spiritual work and you're open and ready for what's next, she will get you the information you need!
C.W. - Mobile, AL