Meet Betsey Grady
Betsey is currently working on her first book about "The Unseen World " detailing everything you need to know, including guidance and instructions on how YOU can easily begin to access it yourself.
Betsey Grady grew up in a household where imagination and day dreams were encouraged, so one can say she has been creating and developing her "sight" through visualization all of her life. However, it wasn’t until she turned 18 that someone gave her Shakti Gawain’s book, Creative Visualization, that she actually realized the power of meditation and sight she had been practicing all along.
With her eyes opened to the power of meditation and visualization, she began practicing various styles on a regular basis. It was through meditation that she discovered her ability to 'see and connect' with the Unseen World was something that she could actually control and participate in, as opposed to things just randomly happening. Betsey's mom is famous for saying, "Even when Betsey was little, she had one foot in this world and one foot in a world that no one else could see."
Having extraordinary experiences was and is rather ordinary for Betsey; and to this day, she delights in all of it. To be able to have this gift allows, she believes, her to enjoy in the magic of life and the best part of it all is that she never feels alone, ever. As Betsey would say, if you are intuitive and most certainly you are, then start meditating! If you want to learn to connect to the guidance that is within and around you, meditation is key. If you want to feel supported at all times and loved and adored, then start meditating. You can always get a jump-start and contact Betsey for a session. She can connect with your own personal Spirit Guides and see what guidance they have for you to begin building your own relationship with them or further develop it in some cases.
She was fortunate to live in San Francisco, CA for many years where there is an abundance of opportunities to gather with like-minded beings and practice. She has attended Zen Buddhist temples and meditated as well as non denominational church meditations. She has walked the labyrinth in the city, visited Green Gulch Farms and much more. While living in CA she attended Bikram yoga consistently, which too, like all yoga, is mindful and another style of meditating. And still today she journals daily letting her thoughts come and go.
Upon moving to Fairhope, Alabama, she realized that there were no shops offering items that supported the lifestyle she was accustomed to, so as fate would have it, she opened Rosie Blu on Fairhope Avenue in the early winter of 2007. The clientele steadily grew, despite the economic hardships the Gulf Coast encountered over the next few years. Rosie Blu became a destination store for everything for the free spirit, for the joy in life, for the peace of mind.
Soon Betsey also missed her group meditations that she attended in San Francisco, so she decided to create a group in Fairhope for meditation. She knew it was a bit courageous to organize a group as well as offer to lead it; however, that is exactly what she did. She seized the opportunity to introduce sessions at her shop, Rosie Blu. The reception for group meditation was immediate and she had to seek other locations to hold more people. Eventually she opened Rosie Bluum for this specific purpose.
Rosie Blu has since been merged into Rosie Bluum and in 2018 to Lotus Bluum. Lotus Bluum is now owned and operated by Kristen Kelly. Kristen has worked with Betsey since the beginning of Rosie Bluum as a massage therapist. Kristen is gifted with intuition and energy and working with her, visiting her space, is an experience like none other. If you find yourself in Fairhope, please make a time to schedule with her. You will be forever changed.
Betsey's journey continues to unfold with moves and changes that are consistent in her life. She now resides in the southern state of Georgia and occasionally holds events around the area there. Moving during the pandemic has limited her travels and ability to meet in person; yet, we can all celebrate the power of video. Some of her Guided Meditations can be found on You Tube and we encourage you to follow her channel. She is also writing an extensive collection of her visualizations and meditations for those seeking even more exercises to do at home either individually or within a group setting. She also launched "A Liquid State of Mind" Meditation At-Home program, which you can access here and become a member. She can be contacted directly for personalized meditations and she is available for private, group and work place environments.

Having meditation as the foundation of her life, Betsey now has a steady and rapidly growing clientele of those seeking guidance through the Akashic Records. She sees clients from coast to coast of the USA as well as several clients internationally. This has now become her primary focus and love. She finds more and more that people are valuing the guidance to the degree that they are replacing traditional therapies or, at a minimum, including with, and finding immediate results through positive life changes. She is amazed daily at the transformations she has been able to witness in others. She expresses gratitude every day for getting to be able to do this "work" this lifetime. To find's one calling and line up with it is amazing and to actually love and look forward to it each day, is a gift beyond measure.
"It is positive and uplifting work and to be able to see the changes happen in real-time life experiences is nothing short of astounding and humbling. We are always being lovingly supported, all ways!" -says Betsey
Betsey Grady is a certified Akashic Records Consultant, Medium, Natural-Born Psychic, MARI practitioner, Reiki Master, Meditation Teacher, Natural Intuitive, Animal Communicator, Optimist, Dreamer, Visionary, Writer and Enthusiast and as of 2018 RYT200 in Traditional Hot Yoga 26/2 style. You might find her in person in and around Atlanta, Birmingham, Fairhope, Gulf Shores, Biloxi and Virginia and Florida. You can always find her via the phone or video in her cozy office hanging out with a cat or two or three. Wherever you meet her, know you will be warmly greeted and be it in person or on-line or on the phone, it all works exactly the same.