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You're Never Alone and Group-Calls- More Dates and Times

Writer: Betsey GradyBetsey Grady

You're Never Alone

Despite the utter emptiness we feel when someone we loves departs this earthly plane, I can assure you that they never leave you. I have been doing readings for years and have certainly lost count well into the thousands. In every session that I connect with a departed loved-one, never ever once have they been unavailable or absent and always always always they have shown me ways that they are still around. Just this past week I connected with a young woman's father. At the very end of the session he showed me the color pink, like she was wearing pink. I asked her what pink meant to her and it was quite significant and to boot she said, "I am wearing a pink jacket right now." I have had departed loved ones show me colors in a house, flowers in a vase, paintings and pictures on a wall, talk about remodeling parts of the home, what flowers are outside and so forth. They show me things in real time that I would never know anything about. They do this to let their loved one who is having a session with me know that they are still around and paying attention.

One particularly light-hearted session that is rather uplifting to share involved a woman who lost the love of her life. They had an extraordinary and eccentric life with one another and certainly non-traditional in any way. She called me to connect with him and to see ways in which he was already communicating. In addition, she wanted to know how she could communicate directly with him going forward. I knew very little about this man and his spirit came through quite playfully. His was so happy to be in contact with her in this way and was validating much of what she had already suspected. At the very end of the session I asked her, "Do you have a Crazy-8 Ball at your house?" She said, "YES! Yes I do. It is in my son's room and he was very close to him." I said, "That's so funny because I was seeing an 8 ball but knew it wasn't a billiard ball and he showed me the 8 ball shaking." He then told me to tell her that she could even use THAT Magic 8 ball to connect with him and he would answer her questions. She loved this and told me how much he liked games and toys and playing and that was just the perfect message and so like him.

A few hours after our call ended, I received a message from her. She titled her e-mail "My first Magic 8 ball message" and said, "Check this out! My first msg! So perfect!! Thank you so much for connecting us, I feel a thousand times better."

This the image she sent along with it.

And this, my friends, you just can't make up!!! How fabulous that he flat out told her she can rely on it??!! This is the wonder of the ways of spirit. You have to have to have to believe that they are always around and always trying to get your attention. They are available and want to help you and tell you stories and give you advice or at the very least tell you that they love you. Even if things were left unspoken or disgruntled, they are now free from the human ego and living in the pure state of love. They are so eager to share this love with you and will find many and multiple ways to come through. And they never stop- they have nothing else to do but focus on you! It is really all quite so lovely. And I can assure you, you are never alone!

"Let's Talk About..."

If you want to learn more about the Unseen World of Spirit Guides and discuss in an intimate setting with other like-minds and curious-seekers, then join me and my fabulous cousin, Becky Kiper, on Monday, November 15th at 12:00 Pm Eastern (11 Central, 10 Mountain and 9 Pacific) and we will discuss the topic of Spirit Guides that I wrote about in my last newsletter/blog. In addition to discussing this topic, I will open the Akashic Records of everyone gathered. We will meet by Zoom, which is easy-peasy to set up if you don't have it yet. Space is limited so that I can assure each person time to talk and ask questions. If you cannot attend at that time, yet wish to submit questions and get the recording, you can do so for $10, please let me know via e-mail and I'll send you an invoice. As soon as the call is done I will e-mail it to you.

We added Monday because our original Tuesday the 16th booked up in less than 12 hours. If this one does as well, we will add Friday the 19th.

November group-calls are about Spirit Guides.

To sign up for November, please use this direct link

December group-calls will be about Departed Loved-Ones.

To sign up for the December calls please use this direct link

Lastly, if you have stories to share about your own personal experiences with someone who has departed, please feel free to e-mail me. Know that anything I post will remain anonymous. All stories are inspiring and bring hope to those still grieving and it is my passion to bring joy and peace either through sessions or sharing stories.

Lastly, lastly, if you have worked with me and wish to leave a review or testimonial, I am always grateful for the kind words and inspiration that it might give others who are considering working with me. I truly believe that we are all helping to walk each other home and sharing our stories and what works for us, just makes the walk so much easier. To leave a review on Google click here To leave a review on my website click here.

May you all have an amazing and connected day.

May you all walk in alignment with the divine and enjoy wonderful manifestations from your heart.

May you all hold awareness of the beautiful light within you and may you all graciously share this light with others.

Thank you for reading my newsletter/blog.

Thank you for being curious.

Thank you for being you and for letting me be a part of your journey.

~ Love,




“There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.”

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Sessions by:

Phone, Zoom, Google Duo, FaceTime, Skype


In Person (when traveling):

Atlanta  Fairhope  Gulf Shores  Birmingham

All sessions are recorded for your convenience


Sessions by Appointment Only

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Content © 2025 Betsey Grady.  Web Design By Elizabeth McGonagle. 

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